Meredith BondWrite to Your StrengthI am a very strong believer in trying new things — whether it be a new food, a new experience, or something new with your writing.4d ago4d ago
Meredith BondBringing EmotionWhen I first started writing, I was told that if my character cried on the page, my reader wouldn’t. If I wanted to bring tears to my…Sep 15Sep 15
Meredith BondWhy rebuild the wheel? There’s a template for that!Two of the most popular apps used in fiction writing are Scrivener and Plottr. Scrivener is incredibly powerful and wide-ranging having so…Sep 8Sep 8
Meredith BondAn Entrepreneurial FailureAccording to the Rock Center for Entrepreneurship at the Harvard Business School, two-thirds of all startups fail. Another statistic cited…Sep 1Sep 1
Meredith BondUgh, Marketing!I think I know one, maybe two, authors who actually like marketing — and that’s out of over a hundred authors who I know.Aug 25Aug 25
Meredith BondYour Book SeriesThere’s nothing nicer than finishing a great book and then realizing that it’s part of a series. You know that you’ve got so many more…Aug 18Aug 18
Meredith BondPlacing Your Reader Into Your StoryOne of the best things about reading a novel — at least in my opinion — is escaping from my world, my life. When I read I want to stop…Aug 11Aug 11
Meredith BondFive Tips to Adding Depth with Setting“It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind…Aug 4Aug 4
Meredith BondAre you a “Workaholic” or an “Engaged Worker”?There was a fascinating article in The Washington Post on workaholics. I have always claimed to be such a person, but according to the…Aug 1Aug 1